ArnicA Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision

Samantha Quinn

BA(Hons), MA, DipSup, AdvDip, MBACP (Accred)

Specialist Trauma Informed Individual and Couples Therapist grounded in science

In Person, Online UK & Worldwide

Welcome to all Adults and Couples...........

As a Counsellor in Bingley and Couples Therapist in Bradford, near Leeds, I've provided Counselling & Psychotherapy to adults for over 24 years and I'm really passionate about my role, because I know how life transforming it can be; I've had the privilege over these years in helping others make changes to their outlook, perspective, thoughts, feelings and behaviours, helping them understand the root cause of their symptoms and how this affects them now, as well as helping them make changes for the long term.

I've learnt, throughout these many years of experience and study, how we are impacted in many different ways by many different factors, such as our biology including our individual experiences in the world and how we carry these experiences into adulthood (unknowingly), this impacts our lives in many differing ways including our relationship with ourself and others.

As Couples Counselling, Couples Therapy or Relationship Psychotherapy is a specialism and specialist training and knowledge is required to help you, I have specifically trained as a Relationship Psychotherapist, which enables me to help you in a more professional and in-depth capacity. This study, along with being a BACP accredited Couples Counsellor and some years of experience, ensures I can give your relationship the help it deserves.

I am trained to work with all types of relationships, from; heterosexual, same-sex, polyamorous, open relationships, arranged marriages, all are welcome.

Client Testimonial 2023 - Emily

"Your compassion, wisdom and skill is next level"


How I Work

Counselling , Psychotherapy & Clinical Supervision

Counselling and Psychotherapy for Adults

Over these many years of experience and training in different theoretical ways of working, I have learnt it's really important I genuinely listen to you without judgement and with compassion, to understand what difficulties (or symptoms) you're experiencing day to day, as well as gently exploring and understanding the reason, or root cause of your symptoms, making links as we go.

Root causes of symptoms usually begin in our past and we can sometimes know what they are, and sometimes we don't, we would gently explore/be curious together, to make positive changes for your future, which I'll help you with.

I will never force you to reflect on or remember your past, this will happen only when you are ready and if you want to reflect on this time- we can still piece together present experiences and symptoms with past to make long term changes in your future.

Physical illnesses or injuries can have an impact on other areas of our bodies, the same with emotional wounds, they can show up in the form of; anxiety (excess fear/stress/worry), depression, addictions (reliance on a substance or activity), relationship difficulties, self-harm, anger, unexplained physical symptoms/illness, PTSD to name a few. These symptoms are your body's way of informing you there's a much deeper emotional issue from your past requiring attention.

I have trained in the most up-to-date ways of understanding and treating Childhood Trauma including Neuroscience and Somatic Approaches (how our body can show symptoms of past unresolved experiences even if we can't remember) and for those of you interested in the other theoretical approaches I draw upon in my work, are mainly; Attachment Theory, Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Janina Fisher's Trauma skills work.

I'd love to help you if your keen to work in this way or at least curious to learn more, and I offer a free 15 minute zoom meet, telephone call or meet at the office if you'd like to find out more. Alternatively, I invite you to book your first appointment so we can get started on your path to understanding you, increasing your self-awareness, and how you can improve in the longer term, investing in you.

My fee is £80, which reflects many years of experience and level of qualifications.

Supervisees: £75 per hour, £112.50 per 1.5 hours

Couples Counselling and Psychotherapy

Couples Counselling

You may be reaching out for couples therapy for various reasons; your feelings have changed, you're not communicating well, you're stuck in unhealthy patterns of relating to each other, there's been a betrayal (infidelity, financial etc), distrust or intimacy/sex isn't the same, to name a few.

As with my individual clients, my extensive and specialist training has taught me that thorough exploration and understanding of you as an individual and of your relationship symptoms are essential, to be able to help you overcome your difficulties in the longer term rather than offering you a short-term solution. I do this in your first two 75-minute appointments. We will gently understand your individual pasts including childhood relationships and other past relationships, present issues in your relationship and what future relationship you'd like to aim for, so we can work on creating a relationship you both want and need.

The theoretical approaches I draw upon in my work are mainly; Attachment Theory, Emotionally Focussed Theory (EFT), Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Janina Fisher's Trauma skills work

I can help you both if you're curious to understand what you're experiencing and why, to work hard in creating change within you as an individual and within your relationship.

I'd love to work with you both if you're happy to work in this way or at least curious to learn more, and I offer a free 15 minute zoom meet. Alternatively, I invite you to book your first 75 minute appointment where we can explore your relationship, from what brings you to what you want to achieve.

My fee is £110, which reflects many years experience and qualifications


  • AdvDip - Advanced Diploma in Relationship Psychotherapy - NAOS Institute-


  • DipSup- Diploma in Supervising Counsellors/Psychotherapists - Leeds Centre for Psychological Development - (2015)
  • MA- Masters Degree in Counselling - Bradford University - (2003-2005)
  • BA(Hons) - Degree in Counselling & Psychology- Bradford University - (1998-2002)
  • I am an Accredited member of the British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy
BACP logo

About Me:

My experience, qualifications & training

Prior to my training, I began engaging in my own long-term therapy, which led me to this career path. I've learnt how my early experiences have impacted on my adult life in many different ways.

What's important to me from a professional perspective, is I engage in in-depth personal development, being highly qualified, having over 20 years experience, being BACP accredited and engaging in quality monthly supervision, which ensures I work with you ethically and professionally.

Outside of work, I enjoy daily long hikes in the countryside with my dog, yoga, gardening and animal conservation, which helps keep my mental and physical health in check.

Since 1999, I've been training and working in West Yorkshire. I've worked for many years in the NHS as a Staff Counsellor and Adult Mental Health Therapist, and in the last 18 years in Private Practice.

Continuing Professional Development

  • Attachment Theory
  • Applied Neuroscience Mastery Course: Advanced Strategies to Treat Complex Trauma, Anxiety, Chronic Pain & more
  • Dr. Bessel A. van der Kolk’s Trauma Treatment Mastery Course
  • The Hungry Ghost - A Biopsychosocial Perspective on Addiction - From Heroin to Workaholism-Gabor Mate
  • Gender, Sexual & Relationship Diversity - Meg-John Barker
  • Clinical Applications of Internal Family Systems - Frank Anderson
  • Somatic Experiencing- Peter Levine

Couples/Relationship Training

  • Advanced Diploma in Relationship Psychotherapy - NAOS Institute
  • The 10 Core Principles of Effective Couples Therapy - What science tells us and beyond - Drs John and Julie Gottman
  • Esther Perel's Transformative Approach to Couples Therapy in Action
  • The Couple in Mind: Working with Couples and with Individuals in a Couple

Get in touch

Please contact me if you have any questions about how counselling/psychotherapy works, to arrange a free 15 minute zoom meet or to arrange an initial appointment. This will help us discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming, whether it could be helpful for you and if I'm the right therapist to help.